

Title: Autumn Night ▪ 秋夕
Author: Du Mu
▪ 杜牧
Poetic Form: júejù 绝句

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1. (银 + 烛) + (秋 + 光 + 冷) + (画 + 屏)
    (silver + candle) + (autumn + light + cold) +
      (painting + screen)
    gloss: The cold autumn light shines on the
    candlelit painted screen

2. ((轻 + 罗) + (小 + 扇) + 扑) + 流 + 萤
    ((lightweight + net) + (small + fan) + to flutter)
       + to banish + fireflies
    gloss: A small (silken) fan flutters to ward off
    flitting fireflies

3. (天 + 阶) + (夜 + 色) + (凉 + 如 + 水)
   (heaven + steps) + (night + color) + (cool + as if +
    gloss: The palace steps seem cool as water in
    the nighttime glow

4. 坐 + 看 + ((牵 + 生) + (织 + 女) + 星)
    to sit + to watch + ((to pull + cow) + (to weave +
      woman) + stars)
    gloss: [She] sits watching the stars: Altair and
    Veda (the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid)


Autumn Night
translation by Jessica Alexander ©

A pallid candle flickers cold upon autumn's painted screen,
While a solitary silken fan chases dusky fireflies into the night.
In the chill half-light, the palace steps are cool and blue as water,
Upon which she sits, watching the Weaving Maid, her Cowherd,
                                                                        and their starry tryst.



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